Capitalize proper nouns, months, and days of the week.
Capitalize all words — except articles, conjunctions and prepositions — in the titles of books, plays, lectures, and musical compositions.
Lowercase seasons.
Lowercase fall break, winter break, spring semester.
Capitalize entire geographical names, such as Pacific Northwest.
Capitalize geographical regions of the country, but not points of the compass.
A substantial percentage of Richmond students hail from the North and the East.
The students are heading southwest on their summer break.
Capitalize names of all races and nationalities.
Hispanic, Irish, Caucasian, African American, Asian
Do not capitalize fields of study, curricula, major areas, or major subjects (except names of languages) unless referring to a specific course.
He is studying economics and English; however, his favorite course is Music of the Middle Ages.
Do not capitalize designations of officers of a class or social organization.
Capitalize names of athletic clubs and teams.
The Spiders are looking strong this season.
John is president of the Campus Activities Board and was recently elected vice president of the first-year class.
Capitalize formal names of standardized tests.
Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT), American College Testing (ACT)